Crown Capital Co., Ltd.

Solicitation policy concerning financial instruments


Crown Capital Co., Ltd. shall comply with the Act on Sales, etc. of Financial Instruments, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and other related laws and regulations, and engage in appropriate solicitation activities in accordance with the following policies:

  1. 1. We shall endeavor to solicit investment that suits each customer's intentions and circumstances, in full consideration of each customer's investment experience, investment purpose, property status, etc.
  2. 2. We shall give due consideration to the time, place, and method of soliciting and giving advice so as not to inconvenience each customer.
  3. 3. We shall endeavor to acquire and improve our knowledge on a daily basis, and strengthen our internal control system in order to ensure engaging in appropriate solicitation activities.
  4. 4. We shall endeavor to provide appropriate information so that each customers can implement transactions at their discretion and responsibility.

Enacted June 15, 2011.